What sort of tenancy does GHS use?
GHS uses an Assured Tenancy Agreement which sets out all terms and conditions of your tenancy. You will sign this before your tenancy starts. It is important to keep it in a safe place as you may need it if you have to claim benefits.
When is my rent due?
Your rent is due monthly in advance and should be paid at the beginning of each month. We prefer you to pay by standing order through your bank.
What is my rent made up of?
There are a number of elements to the total rent you pay. The first element is the rent for the property, in addition there is a service charge which covers such things as gardening, communal electricity, window cleaning. There may also be other charges such as water charges. We charge the cost of providing additional services to you.
Will my rent increase?
Yes, but only once a year in April. The rent we charge is governed by the Regulator of Social Housing and the rent increase is based on the Consumer Price Index for September plus 1%. In recent years the government has capped the level of increase. We are required to give you 28 day’s notice of any increase, so we write to you in February each year with your new rent details.